Term Description
Backlog (85%): project stage defined by the Company in the final phase prior to construction where land and grid access are secured, there is more than a 90% probability of obtaining the environmental permit and there is a framework contract with a power purchaser or a stabilized pricing scheme.
Installed Capacity maximum production level (nominal power in MW) that a solar photovoltaic generation plant can have by design based on the resources in physical facilities that it has.
Clean Energy Certificate (CEL) Security issued by the Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE for its Spanish acronym), which certifies that a determined amount of electricity production comes from renewable sources.
Hedging projects in Mexico: these are contracts that the supplier enters into with the end consumer, which in turn is passed on to the generation plant at a market price to cover price volatility.
Commercial Operations Date (COD): date of commencement of operations.
Under Construction (90%): stage of project defined by the Company that is with order to the constructor for the start of work on the ground. At this stage, the completion of the project is practically risk-free.
Development (35%): project stage defined by the Company with technical and financial feasibility, depending on the possibility of land and/or operationally viable access to the power grid.
Advanced Development (+50%): project stage defined by the Company as technically and financially advanced given that the land is secured or there is more than a 50% probability of being obtained, applications have been made to access the electricity grid with an estimate of more than 90% of being obtained and the environmental permit has been applied for.
Distributors in Chile (DisCo): agents that distribute electricity through medium and low voltage distribution networks to end consumers.
Restricted Cash: refers to the cash that is part of the guarantees granted in energy commercialization and supply operations, in accordance with the stipulations of each contract.
Energy Service Companies (ESCO): an ESCO is a company that has the necessary resources to execute projects that will implement energy efficiency measures using renewable energy.
Guarantees of origin (GDO): this is an accreditation that ensures that a certain number of MWh of electrical energy produced in a power plant have been generated from renewable energy sources.
Green hydrogen (H2): generation of hydrogen through electrolysis. This method uses electricity to separate the H2 from the oxygen in water. If this electricity is 100% green, energy is produced without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Megawatt peak (MW): peak power refers to the amount of MW installed.
In Operation (100%): project stage defined by the Company in which the responsibility for the asset has been transferred from the entity performing the EPC constructor functions to the Group's operation team.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): is an energy agreement or contract, generally long-term.
Small Means of Distributed Generation (PMGD): operate under Chile's special regime for distributed generation projects. It is a means of generation whose surplus power is 9.0 MW, connected to a distribution concessionaire. PMGD projects are entitled to receive remuneration on their generation at a stabilized regulated price.
Stabilized price: the possibility of adhering to a remuneration scheme that ensures stability in financial flows. Through this scheme, the energy produced is remunerated at this price, regardless of the time of production. It is calculated by the Chilean CNE every 6 months.
SPOT: daily and intraday market. In this electricity market, prices are established for the energy sold each day.
Coverage of Mexico Projects Refers the contracts that the supplier enters into with the end consumer and which in turn are transferred to the generation plant at a market price to cover the volatility of the node's prices.
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction.
ESCO Energy Service Companies. An ESCO is a company with the necessary resources to execute projects that implement energy efficiency measures using renewable energies.
IPC Mexican Price and Quotation Index (Índice de Precios y Cotizaciones).
LIE Electric Industry Law of Mexico.
Nominal Megawatt (MWn) Nominal power refers to the power of the inverter (the electrical equipment that transforms the energy generated by the panels into suitable energy for consumption).
Megawatt Peak (MWp) Peak power refers to installed MW capacity.
PMGD Spanish acronym for Small Means of Generation Distributed in Chile (Pequeños Medios de Generación Distribuida). It is a power generation project with power surpluses of less than or equal to 9 MW, which is connected to a distribution concessionaire’s facilities. PMGD projects are entitled to receive remuneration on their generation at a stabilized regulated price.
PPA o PPAs Power Purchase Agreement (usually long-term).
Reported Portfolio Refers to the latest project information presented by the Company in the most recent earnings release. This information is a fair representation to ongoing projects and achieved results in the reporting period. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that the project status may vary due to changes in market conditions and the Company's strategy.
SPV The SPV is a company created solely to serve as an investment platform for photovoltaic projects. Typically, a different SPV is used for each photovoltaic project.
Stabilized Price An available remuneration scheme that guarantees stability in financial flows. By this means, the energy produced is remunerated at a set price, regardless of the time of production. It is calculated by the National Electricity Coordinator of Chile (CNE for its Spanish acronym) every 6 months. The scheme was established in 2006.
Updated Pipeline Refers to the latest information on the project portfolio, which may include changes to the information presented in the last earnings release and identified opportunities as of the current date. These changes are normal due to the dynamic nature of our projects and should not be interpreted as a pledge or commitment on behalf of the Company.
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